Now send Free SMS to your friends no extra charge ,everything you have to do is to follow the below steps carefully and do it.This trick is entirely under your risk.

Follow the simple steps below:
Create a new message center :

  • Message Center Name: ANY
    Message Center Number (MOST Important): 
    Now select preferred connection -> Packet Data
  • After creating a new message center, please manually select it from
  • Now Go to setting -> phone setting -> connection -> packet data
  • Here change PACKET DATA CONNECTION -> when available
    and Access Point -> Airtel Live! ( Pls. Write as I have written here)
  • All setting has been DONE !!
Now for sending message. You have to write 0(zero) before any contact number. Pls don't make mistake.

Note: Don't Write 91….instead of 91 write 0.. For example: if number is 9223344556 then you'll write 09223344556.



Try @ your own risk. I will be not responsible for any problems.

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